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Welcome to our News and updates page, Here we will share with you our past events aswell as scheduled events that will be taking place within COSA. Be free to post your comments and share with us your thoughts aswell as suggestions towards our activities

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Children of Southern Africa Organization appeared before DEC today at Zomba District Council. This meeting paved way for I, to present the objectives and mandate of the organization. The objective was to present activities and outline how other countries have benefitted from COSA. During this meeting , it was recommended that COSA needs to work hand in hand with the Ministry of youth and man power development along side other Govt departments. COSA was advised to appear before Zomba Civil Society organization network in order to hold talks, aswell as plan the way forward for our projects inline with the local authority recommendations and laws.

DEC has accepted COSA to operate in Malawi but with one reservation.... That we should visit when we begin to start implementing any project at hand.

  • John Banda

    Thank you COSA, this meeting was an eye opener towards understanding your organisation aims and objectives aswell as having a clear picture of the projects that will be implemented by your team within our Communities

  • Alex Mainga

    Zikomo Kwambiri a bungwe la COSA pobweresa mapulojekiti ngati amenewa, ife anthu akumidzi tikuthandizika ndi zina ndi zina zomwe mukubweresa madera athu

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