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Children of southern Africa is a Malawian Charitable non political Non Governmental Organisation registered by Govt under the Trustees Act, Registration Number NGO/L/19/036, in December 2018 and also registered with NGO Board membership And Council for non Governmental Organisations Congoma in January and September 2019 respectively.

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Dedication to improving lives of children and youth of Malawi and Southern Countries of Africa through ; education, humanitarian, socio-economic and developmental programmes.


A Malawi and a Southern Africa without limited literacy skills, injustice and poverty where people respect human rights, law & order and every child experiences education, justice, dignity, security and equal access to resources


Openness, - Inclusiveness in all activities benefitting the Organisation, Transparency and Accountability, Tolerance towards one another, Equity in its members, Trustees, Volunteers and Employees alike and in its delivery of services to Communities, Commitment to attaining Organisation Goals, Efficiency and effectiveness in provision of services and lastly Trust and feedback when dealing with issues affecting the Organization.


COSA is committed to its Mission and Vision for the attainment of its goals and is an equal opportunities dispenser disregarding all elements of discrimination for people for a change and a better change

We believe that it is better to give than
to recieve

We believe that: One of the most effective ways to achieve lasting, transformational change is through local solutions – created in direct partnership with the people themselves, which deepens impact and promotes empowerment. We believe in an integrated approach that tackles problems causing suffering to populations especially to young children from all angles through measurable and effective methods. COSA aspires to achieve this mission and vision through response programming in different sectors of operations, including Education, Food Security and Agriculture, Protection, Early Recovery and Livelihoods, Health, Nutrition, WASH, Shelter, Camp Coordination and Camp Management (CCCM), and Civil Society Capacity Development sectors.

We are committed to: Shared responsibility, accountability, transparency, and decision-making. Innovation and risk-taking to find effective solutions to be able to operate in a challenging context with sound judgment. Providing equal opportunities for all people and access to our programming. Learning and listening to each other to strengthen and enhance long- term sustainability of our programs for the benefit of the children and communities that we serve.

COSA has been working with the most affected populations. We hold a firm belief that the ability to enjoy fundamental human rights is tied to access to livelihood. Therefore, all COSA's programs are based on the right to have equal access to decent living standards and opportunities to improve livelihood without discrimination of any sort. Furthermore, COSA's mission revolves around providing sustainable solutions to young children in these areas, supporting long-term development, and building local capacities to bring about the desired change within communities. COSA builds its programming based on evidence and available resources.

Our Services At Hand

COSA has a range of services to the community among them are:


Donation of school materials to school pupils and institutions. Providing school bursaries to secondary and college students.

  • Learn
  • Live
  • Grow

Donation of school materials to school pupils, students and institutions. Providing school bursaries to secondary and college students. Building school blocks hence Project Safe Haven.

COSA works to create opportunities for every child to learn. We give attention to vulnerable children to improve inclusion, and COSA has employed diverse methods to incorporate children with different disabilities. Since Covid 19, Children in Malawi are paying a huge price to sustain their right to education. However we strongly believe that lessons can be learnt during this crisis if the right investments are made and policies put in place.


Providing interventions against HIV/Aids, and Covid 19, Gender Mainstreaming and Environmental Management.

  • Look
  • Feel
  • Touch

COSA works as a key partner within Malawi’s health sector in support of national health goals that address the health and survival needs of children living in vulnerable rural, peri-urban and urban communities. We also engage with mostly hard-to-reach and vulnerable communities in improving health seeking behaviours as well as uptake and continuity of care. We have a team of well-respected health experts and volunteers, and extensive experience in designing, implementing and evaluating programmes within maternal and newborn health (MNH), child health, adolescent sexual and reproductive health (ASRH), HIV/AIDS, TB, malaria and nutrition with strong outcomes and impact.

To ensure high impact, we adapt and adjust ongoing and future programming based on lessons learnt as well as evidence generated locally and elsewhere to ensure the most effective implementation possible. COSA is committed to support and build the technical and organisational capacity of District Assemblies and local governance structures as well as NGOs and civil society with the broader objective of improving quality of health service delivery and sustaining gains made for the sake of progress.

Disaster, Relief, Recovery & Resilience

Malawi has suffered the repercussions of floods, drought and dry spells that have negatively affected families.

  • Rebuild
  • Regrow
  • Reborn

Over the years, Malawi has suffered the repercussions of floods, drought and dry spells that have negatively affected families and left inadequate food for children in so many households. While dealing with this problem, Malawi in 2020 had also been hit hard by Covid-19, a global pandemic that has subsequently spread to all districts in the country. Because this virus is spreading at a faster rate and has claimed a lot of lives in a very short time, there has been a critical need to prepare the nation in rapidly detecting and effectively responding to Covid. As one way of alleviating the dreadful effects of the emergency at hand and to stop the further spread of the virus, COSA is leading a consortium of International Non-Governmental Organizations (INGOs) targeting vulnerable and at risk districts to manage the devastating effects of the pandemic.

Our humanitarian response aims at reducing the spread of Covid-19 by strengthening health facilities, improving access to WASH facilities, supporting national, district and community preparedness and response; ensuring rapid response to protect lives and livelihoods. We are equipping hospitals with assorted Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs) and constantly building capacity to health care workers. We are helping hospitals and health centers by donating medical supplies such as oxygen cylinders, Oxygen concentrators, hospital bed mattresses, assorted PPEs and WASH supplies in order to keep patients and caregivers safe at all possible times. We are also training Area Civil Protection Committees (ACPC) to assist in Covid-19 management in communities and disaster preparedness.

Child Rights Governance

COSA aims to fulfil children’s rights by supporting Malawian Government systems.

  • Protect
  • Serve
  • Prevail

The Child Rights Governance (CRG) sector work aims to fulfil children’s rights by supporting Malawian Government systems and civil society to effectively monitor and implement children’s rights as enshrined in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) and the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child (ACRWC), while ensuring children’s participation across the spectrum. It endeavours to hold the State accountable for what it has or has not been done for the realisation of children’s rights. Key to the realisation of these rights is more and better spending on children’s rights.

CRGs work in Malawi stems from the major gaps between ratification by the State of UNCRC, ACRWC and several other international instruments and its respective domestication and implementation of these international instruments. In Malawi, most children continue to face numerous challenges which undermine their ability to enjoy their basic rights. For instance in 2012, Malawi spent about 5.4% of its GDP on education compared to the Dakar target of 9%. In addition, although significant progress has been made on budget transparency from 28% in 2008 to 52% in 2012, in the Open Budget Survey Index a lot still needs to be done to ensure fiscal accountability and transparency and for budget classification to enhance analysis and tracking by Civil Society Organisations (CSOs).


Our Awesome Team

Meet the dedicated Cosa team in Malawi which is headed by the Acting Country Director.


Projects Implementation And Assessment

we have planned, implemented and executed serval projects in the following districts and cities, however we have a mile to undergo in order to reach out




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Our Donors and Sponsors

Meet our Dedicated Donors and sponsors that ensure that our day to day projects are kept running. We remain grateful towards all sponsors be others remain anonymous, your help has driven COSA this far.
